Who is responsible-: WE OR Our Education System OR BOTH ???
Please Think.......
1. We all have already lost our Sanatan Gurukuls, and We as a Trust can make people enable to create there own house As a GURUKUL, and the knowledge Medium will be our Sanatan Granths and shastras.
2. By Gods grace We as a Trust are providing all the Ved , Up Ved, Puran, Upnishads, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bhagwat geeta, Shri Vidhya, Vedant, Vedang, Manusamriti,Ayurved, Charak sahinta, books related to environment conservation, etc and other EPIC Sanatan Granths in PDF soft copies , MP3 Audio files through our web site www.sanatangurukul.org with a FREE down load facility, for any one, for everyone, No direct or indirect donations are accepted for any downloads.
3. The objective of the Trust is not only to just learn the things but also to enable the World to practice the same in there real life which may not only give a good [physical healthy life but also a good healthy mental life with tried and tested proven therapies
This will also help in creating a Happy , Healthy and ADHYATAMIC World.
4. हर घर गुरुकुल Course has presently designed following curriculum
A. Sanskar- swadhaya
B. Arogayam - Ayurved
C. Adhyatam - Atam Gyan
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any queries at-9811022308
and you may also write us at-ssanatangurukul@gmail.com
PS: Dear Concern please feel free to refer any under privilege person who does not afford the course fees but willing to get the knowledge of the हर घर गुरुकुल Course, as we have a special provision for these Gentries.